Why Your Epoxy Foundation Repairs May Have Failed Prematurely

Are you wondering why new cracks are appearing in the foundation that you recently repaired using epoxy crack repair products? Read on and discover some of the reasons that could explain that premature failure. Delayed Curing Process Epoxy crack repair products often solidify after several hours once the mixture has been pumped into a crack in a foundation. This delayed curing can create an opportunity for a defect to develop at the repair site. [Read More]

Two Steps You Can Take to Ensure Your Construction Project Goes Smoothly

If you are planning to carry out a construction project, here are two steps you might want to take to ensure that the entire process goes as smoothly as possible. Get a construction survey done One of the most effective ways to ensure that your project goes off without a hitch is to have construction survey carried out before you begin the building process. This information gleaned from this survey will drastically reduce the likelihood of you and your construction crew making errors that could require a lot of time and money to rectify. [Read More]

Safety Tips to Observe When Transporting Heavy Construction Equipment

Construction projects require the use of heavy machinery and equipment that aid in loading and offloading materials, moving earth, digging foundations, and other tasks that cannot be carried out by human labor. These machinery and equipment have to be transported from the rental company to the site and from one part of the site to the other. The process of transporting heavy equipment is not an easy one, and it can lead to accidents and property damage if not planned correctly. [Read More]

Mining Processes: Understanding the Importance of an Advanced Grade Control Framework

In the traditional setting, grade control processes in the mining industry were directed by an experienced geologist. Today, there are machines and software designed to help in making the procedure more efficient. These types of equipment will provide the contractor with real-time information on the grade while the drilling procedure is going on. The data includes the desired depth and equipment alignments. Unfortunately, not all businesses have adapted this reliable grade control drilling framework. [Read More]